Window to the Soul
50X60cm, Acrylic on Linen
Photo credit: Roar Cattle and Keplies (used with permission)
They say that the eyes are the window to the soul. This statement, I believe, is just as true for animals as people - if not more so. People often try to conceal their thoughts and emotions - even covering their emotions with the blanket of denial, of busyness, of indifference, to avoid admitting their deepest emotions even to themselves. Not with animals. Their hearts are son their sleeves. They communicate through their eyes - if only we are to take the time to look.
The Brahmin bull is king of his farm. At over 1000kg of pure muscle, he is the most well-respected of all farm animals. The working dogs are wary of those deadly hooves, and the farmer gives him his distance. He is the protector and keeper of his herd - a job he takes very seriously.
Yet, the most intelligent of all cattle, this giant is also gentle. He silently watches the comings and goings of the farm. He knows when things are getting tough, nudging his farmer with his soft velvet nose as he passes the stainless steel cattle fences that define his home. He knows when times are good, lifting his head high as his farmer tackles the gruelling farm duties with a new spring in his step. He knows the rhythm of the farm - when it is time to feed, to rest, to breed. Those knowing eyes know more about the farm, and about his farmer, than most people would think.
They say the eyes are the window to the soul. And the farmer knows, looking into those deep, intelligent eyes, that his bull trusts his farmer. His bull holds the same respect for him that he holds for his bull.
And as the farmer looks into those deep, intelligent eyes, he cannot help at wonder at the intelligence of the One who created such a creature. Who thought up the majesty and power of this striking animal, matched only by his gentleness. A gentleness born not out of naivety, but out of intelligence - a knowledge that the farmer is on his side. As if, perhaps, the majesty and power of this striking animal is a shadow of the majesty and power of his Creator. As if, perhaps, the majesty and power of this Creator - so far beyond human comprehension - could only be matched by his gentleness. A gentleness born not out of naivety, but out of intelligence - knowing we, so broken, trying desperately to cover our hearts with the blanket of denial, of busyness, of indifference... knowing we so desperately need our hearts pried open to the truth of His unconditional love.